Thursday, June 02, 2005

6/2/05 Jury Out in 'Witch' Cruelty Case

Jury Out in 'Witch' Cruelty Case
By Shenai Raif, PA

An Old Bailey jury retired today to consider its verdicts on three people charged with cruelty to a child accused of being a witch.

The eight-year-old girl’s 38-year-old aunt, who cannot be named for legal reasons, and another relative, Sita Kisanga, 35, of Hackney, east London, deny conspiracy to murder and child cruelty charges.

Kisanga’s brother, Sebastian Pinto, 33, of Stoke Newington, north London, denies aiding and abetting child cruelty.

The girl, who was brought to Britain from Angola, Africa, in 2002, told police she had been beaten and then placed in a zip-up laundry bag to be thrown into a river after being told she was a witch.

None of the defendants gave evidence in court but the women blamed each other when interviewed by police.

The jury was sent home for the night and will resume its deliberations tomorrow.


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