Wednesday, June 01, 2005

6/1/05 Christian Evangelicals Have Declared a Culture War: Are You Prepared?

All Press Releases for June 1, 2005

Christian Evangelicals Have Declared a Culture War: Are You Prepared?

What if you were a Witch and you were told you were not an American because you are not Christian? For some today, this is what is happening as the Christian Right continues its declared culture war against the separation of Church and State, according to author Ed Hubbard. The "Witch Wars Defense Manual" offers advice on how to stand up to their psychological attacks and to stand up for your rights, no matter what your faith.

(PRWEB) June 1, 2005 -- While many Americans are becoming worried and fearful of the recent Christian Evangelical Movement's actions to consolidate political and judicial authority over the United States, some have more to fear than others. Among the Christian Conservatives stated goals is to 'wipe out Paganism in America.' This goal seeks to deny legal and Constitutional recognition of all non-biblical faiths as non-religions and corrupt.

This has direct consequences to a growing faith of Wicca, whose followers are know as Wiccans and often use the word Witch to describe themselves. But Wiccans are not being silent. Author Ed Hubbard has been speaking out, and has published the book 'Witch Wars Defense Manual.' The book explains the underpinnings to the current Christian march to power, and how bad it is going to get before it is all over.

According to Hubbard, "The Christian Evangelical movement is a very powerful group, who are engaging in a psychological war against the American and global population, and seek to deny true religious freedom in favor of a community based exclusively on Judeo-Christian values as interpreted by their leaders. If we are to preserve our freedom of religion, we must acknowledge the Culture War they have declared and understand their strategies, arguments, and tactics in order to protect ourselves."

In his book 'Witch Wars," he reveals ways Pagans fight among themselves, and then explains how Christians attack Pagans and Wiccans. He lays out timelines that show how and where spiritual battles occur and a how the public can anticipate where the next conflict that Christian Evangelics plan in their continued foray in taking back America.

This book is not for the timid; it is a manual that deals with religious conflict on a psychic and spiritual level of the subliminal mind. Examples show how religious leaders use psychological warfare to battle for the heart and soul of our United States, and offers hope to preserve the freedoms we all love and cherish. In "Witch Wars Defense Manual," readers are given the tools to stand up and even disarm those who would use religion as a weapon.

Hubbard, a Wiccan Priest of the Correllian Nativist Church, has personal experience with the Christian Evangelical movement protesting his beliefs, the most famous of which is bringing the Witch School Campus in Hoopeston, Ill, in June 2003. The protests created an international news story and has been the subject of many articles, interviews, and even into studies of religious conflict resolution. In his continued fight for religious freedom, Ed Hubbard continues to live in Hoopeston, where Christians and Pagans coexist in peace today.

Copies of the "Witch Wars Defense Manual" can be purchased at


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